Creativo - the topper's choice ( Placement papers of all companies are here )

Saturday, April 29, 2006


CISCO Y2K PAPER---------------
1> The starting location of an array is 1000. If the array[1..5/...4] isstoredin row major order, what is the location of element [4][3]. Each workoccupies4 bytes.
2> If the number of leaves in a binary tree are N, then the total number ofinternal nodes........(Assume complete binary tree)
ANS: N-1
3> The locality of reference means.............
4> If two ausigned 8 bit numbers are multiplied what is the memory spacerequired...............
5> The vector address of RST 7.5 is ............
ANS: 003C (multiply 7.5 by 8 and convert to hex)
6> int b = 0xAA;b>>4;printf("%x",b);
What is the output of the above program....
7> struct s1 { struct { struct {int x;}s2}s3}y;
How to access x? ANS: y.s3.s2.x
8> Why there is no recursion in Fortran?
ANS: There is no dynamic allocation
9> What is the worst case complexity of Quick sort?
ANS: O(n^2)
10> Quick sort uses..............
Ans: Divide and conquer
11> In a sequential search, the time it takes to search through n elementsis
12> What is the size of the array declared as double * X[5]
ANS: 5* sizeof (double *)
13> A binary search tree is given and asked to write the preorder traversalresult.
14> If size of the physical memory is 2^32-1, then the size of virtualmemory......
15> S-> A0BA-> BB0B-> AA1 How many strings of length 5 are possible with the aboveproductions??
16> (3*4096+15*256+3*16+3). How many 1's are there in the binaryrepresentationof the result.
ANS: 10
17> In memory mapped I/O how I/O is accessed.............
ANS: Just like a memory location (Means, I/O devices can be accessed usingthe instructions like mov A,M etc...)
18> What is the use of ALE in 8085.......
ANS: To latch the lower byte of the address.
19> If the logical memory of 8 X 1024 is mapped into 32 frames, then thenumberof bits for the logical address ......
ANS: 13
20> Context free grammar is useful for...
ANS: If-then structures.
21> In ternary number representation, numbers are represented as 0,1,-1.Here-1 is represented as - (1 bar). Then how is 352/9 represented......1
22> There are processors which take 4,1,8,1 machine cycles respectively. Ifthese are executed in round robin fashion with a time quantum of 4, what isthetime it take for process 4 to complete....
ANS: 9
23> The minimum frequency of operation is specified for every processorbecause......
24> In memory mapped I/O, what will happen if a device is identified with a16bit address and enabled by memory related control signals.....
25> The reason for preferring CMOS over NMOS is....
Ans: Low power consumption.
26> Two binary numbers A,B are given and asked to find out A-B.
27> Each character is represented by 7 bits, 1 bit is used to representerrorbit and another bit for parity. If total number of bits transmitted is1200bits, then number of symbols that can be transmitted.......
28> One question about the setassociativity of cache..
29> Write the postfix form of the following expression...
30> What is the function of the linker......
31> void f(int y){struct s *ptr;ptr = malloc (sizeof (struct)+ 99*sizeof(int));}
struct s{int i;float p;};
when free(ptr) is executed, then what will happen??

analytical section.1.12 quantative questions2.4 meanings3.4 matching(like goat::rat)
1.what is the length of the largest diagonal in a cube of 1unit.ans:2*sqrt(3).2.if 0-1 and t> of the digits of a two digit number is 6,whose sum is half of thereproduct and whose product of the half of the reverse order number.what isthe many times 0.01 is larger than (0.0001)*(0.0001)ans:10**6.5.a train of length 200mts is moving with a velocity of 100km/hr towardseast.a car is comming with a velocity of 72km/hr in the much time the car takes to cross the train.6.canibalism-7.humino::staticans:human::--8.concrete::abstractans:matter::mind9.elevator-above10.ramesh,robert,ravi,rahul r doing newpaper business.....ans:ramesh,either ravi/rahul

system concepts: a[5,6]how much memory will be allocated2.char p[6];char *d[10];ans:d=(char*)p3.using LFU algorithm,how many page faults will occur of the pages r1,2,1,3,4.ans:1, which layer the bridges r used.a)data link layerb)session layerc)physical layerd)network layer5.#define d 10+10main(){ printf("%d",d*d);} a complete binary tree if the number of levels r 4 then the number ofnodes will be,7.if we delete a node from a balanced binary tree,how can we retain theproperties of balanced binary tree.ans: by rotation at the a k-way search tree with N keys, the number of node/no. of leaves=9.s->A0BA->BB1B->AA0how many string can be constructed with length which of the following regular expression the srting containsatleast 2 concetive 1's.ans:(0+10)*(0+1)* i,j=1;for(i=0;i<10;i++);{j=j+1;}printf("%d i="malloc(sizeof(char));find" i="1;fork();fork();fork();printf(" i="0xaachar" p="(char" p="p">>4;printf("%x",p);ans:0x000000a;17.union{ char *p;int i;char b;}main(){--p=(char*)malloc(8*sizeof(char));}what is the size of union?18.enum{sunday=-1,monday,...saturday}printf("%d %d",sizeof(wednesday),wednesday);19.struct x{struct{struct{char ch;} x;}};ans:definition wrong20.struct *s;s=(struct *)malloc(10*sizeof(struct)+90*sizeof(int));free(s);ans:total memory alogrithm is given:ans:1039522.func(){ int x=1;if(x=1)x=1000;elsex=10;
return x;}what is the return value?ans:1000


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