Creativo - the topper's choice ( Placement papers of all companies are here )

Sunday, April 30, 2006


i2 technologys 1998-----------------------------------------1) convert 0.9375 in to binary ans: None of the above
2) Meaning of X?Y:Z ans : if (x!=0) Y ;else Z;
3) Some function is like this
swap( int a,int b) { int temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; }
If any arguments send to that function and Values changed want permanently What to do ?
Ans: put *a and *b inplace of a & b
4) Some thing like
a=25 (Some Value exactly dont know); y=64; MUL a,y; a>>=6;
What is the Value of 'a' Ans: No change in value same come .
5) Some problem on And & Or & Not Gates Given Some figure and asked O/P
Ans : A ^(--B)
6) One Array Given Like A={ 2,6,5,9,12,..} These are Rough numbers Not Exact. And Some Bubble sort algorithem Given And At each and every Stage of Exchanging Values Some counter incremented. And Final result is Sorted Array. Question Is value of Counter
Ans : 13
7)Some program Given Like First opened a File for Write only and Write "HELLO\n" in the file then File is closed.Then Same File once again Opened And Write "WORLD" in That file and Closed. How Many Charactars Stored in that File ?
Ans : 5
8) One Question Like
1a0 * 10b0 --------- = 100 1010
Question Is Like this. What Is the Value of a & b?
Ans: a=0 & b=1; You Please do in Exam b'cos This is not Exact question.
9) Small Program Given On Printer Like
If(x) { If(x!=0) { Some Stuff... } }
Qustion I Forgot ,But I Know Answer~ Ans: The Statement If(x!=0) Is REdundant.
10) One Question Is Like This 1MB actual Memory And 10MB Virtual Memory Is available Suppose If Some address Like FF000 Is Used in Program What will Be the result ? Question Is Some thing like That..
Ans : Program Successfully Works.
11) Some Problem Given On Switch and Case Problem I forgot
Ans: 8,8,8
12) To Increase The Range of a Floating point Member ?
Ans : Mantissa Should be Decreased And Exponential Should be Increased
13) One problem on SQL , Idont Know The Q & A , B'cos Question cannot understandable To a Mechanical Student.
14) Which Of The Follwing Is FALSE a) b) c) d) Ans : If Server Is not responding Client Will remain Always passive.
15) Which Of the Follwing is FALSE
a) b) c) d) Ans: All Functions Are Work by call by Value only
16) Which Of The Following Was TRUE a) p=(struct node *) malloc (sizeof(node)); b) c) d) Ans : ( a )
Total 20 Questions Are Given ,These Are I remembered.
One BIG Problem For 20 Marks.
I) Write A programme On
Two Schhols Are There and In Each School Some Classes Are There. And The Data Of Schools (students)Like This.
1A 25 1B 35 1C 23 2A 27 2B 15 3A 25 ... $
1A 20 1B 23 2A 25 2B 39 .... $
Each School Data Ends With $ ( I/P ends when $ entered) In the above 1A 25 means 1 -- First Class A -- Section 25 -- Strength Of That.
We Want To Merge To Schools And Form one School. Write A programme Which Takes TWo Schools Data and Gives The Similar Format O/P of 3rd School Which is The Combining Of Both Schools.
The ProGramme Is Must be USING Dynamic Structures ?
ProGram Should Be Reading The DATA of TWO Schools And Give The FINAL O/P In SAme Format Of I/P ?

1) There is a five digit number. The fifth digit is one fourth of the third digit and one half of the fourth digit. Third digit is one half of the first digit. second digit is 5 more than the fifth digit. What is that 5 digit no.?
2) There are three associates and they have some money in a room. But no one is believing others alone. so, a) No one should be able to open the room alone. b) When any 2 persons are combined they should be able to open the room. What is the minimun no. of locks & keys required.? (5M)
3) A simple racing prob. like Samantha beat Jim. Jack lost to Jim. John was not last. And the prob goes like this... (simple)
4) A boy goes to school from his house.on one fourth oh his way to school, he crosses a machinery station. And on one third of his way to school, he crosses a Railway station. He crossed the machinery station at 7:30 and he crosses the Railway station at 7:35. when does he leave the house & when does he reach the school ? (5M) 5) An Eraser,Pencil,Notebook together costs $1.00. Notebook costs more than the cost of 2 Pencils. 3 Pencil costs more than 4 Erasers. 3 Erasers costs more than a Notebook. How much does a pencil costs? (5M)
6) I can't remember the prob. fully. (* Check this in previous questions. Its there!) Old Problem with three inhabitants of three castes. Abhor,Magar & Dravid. (8M) 1) Abhor women cannot marry Dravid man. 2) Dravid women cannot marry Magar man. 3) Male child gets the father's caste and female child gets the mother's caste. 4) all other marriages are allowed. 5) ... 4 questions related with this...each of 2 marks... like... 1) A magar man can have ... a) a dravid grandmother. b) a abhor mother. c)....
7) Series...
a) 3,6,13,26,33,66, ? b) 364, 361, 19, 16, 4, 1, ?
8) A large cube is painted on all sides with Red color. It is then cut into 27 small cubes. How many sides of the cube will have... a) 3 red faces. b) 2 red faces. c) 1 red face. d) No red faces. (8M) 9) Four persons A,B,C,D were there. All were of different weights. All Four gave a statement.Among the four statements only the person who is lightest in weight of all others gave a true statement.
A Says : B is heavier than D. B Says : A is heavier than C. C Says : I am heavier than D. D Says : C is heavier than B.
Find the lightest & List the persons in ascending order according to their weights. (5M)

1) There is a five digit number. The fifth digit is one fourth of the third digit and one half of the fourth digit. Third digit is one half of the first digit. second digit is 5 more than the fifth digit. What is that 5 digit no.?
2) There are three associates and they have some money in a room. But no one is believing others alone. so, a) No one should be able to open the room alone. b) When any 2 persons are combined they should be able to open the room. What is the minimun no. of locks & keys required.? (5M)
3) A simple racing prob. like Samantha beat Jim. Jack lost to Jim. John was not last. And the prob goes like this... (simple)
4) A boy goes to school from his house.on one fourth oh his way to school, he crosses a machinery station. And on one third of his way to school, he crosses a Railway station. He crossed the machinery station at 7:30 and he crosses the Railway station at 7:35. when does he leave the house & when does he reach the school ? (5M) 5) An Eraser,Pencil,Notebook together costs $1.00. Notebook costs more than the cost of 2 Pencils. 3 Pencil costs more than 4 Erasers. 3 Erasers costs more than a Notebook. How much does a pencil costs? (5M)
6) I can't remember the prob. fully. (* Check this in previous questions. Its there!) Old Problem with three inhabitants of three castes. Abhor,Magar & Dravid. (8M) 1) Abhor women cannot marry Dravid man. 2) Dravid women cannot marry Magar man. 3) Male child gets the father's caste and female child gets the mother's caste. 4) all other marriages are allowed. 5) ... 4 questions related with this...each of 2 marks... like... 1) A magar man can have ... a) a dravid grandmother. b) a abhor mother. c)....
7) Series...
a) 3,6,13,26,33,66, ? b) 364, 361, 19, 16, 4, 1, ?
8) A large cube is painted on all sides with Red color. It is then cut into 27 small cubes. How many sides of the cube will have... a) 3 red faces. b) 2 red faces. c) 1 red face. d) No red faces. (8M) 9) Four persons A,B,C,D were there. All were of different weights. All Four gave a statement.Among the four statements only the person who is lightest in weight of all others gave a true statement.
A Says : B is heavier than D. B Says : A is heavier than C. C Says : I am heavier than D. D Says : C is heavier than B.
Find the lightest & List the persons in ascending order according to their weights. (5M)
i gave all those that i know. So, Please no Queries regarding this.


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