Creativo - the topper's choice ( Placement papers of all companies are here )

Sunday, April 30, 2006


**how to represent > in html
**3-4 other questions on html. On cookies, url etc. (cookies are there on browser side) I think this was the ques.
**Microprocessor 8085 based questions on address bus , data bus.
3 questions of the type 24 bits bus 190 instructions 1)No of bits in the opcode - 8 2) no of bits in the address - 16 3) no of memory areas that can be accessed - 65536
**for mod 9 counter how many min flips flops are required ans) 4
**in hamming code we have 4 bit data. How many extra bits are required for code
**read java basics, 4-5 questions. read classes, overriding member functions, inheritance basics etc
**what does select represent in relational algebra ans) project
**given a rel in II normal form. To be in third normal form the non key attributes must be 1) dependent 2) independent ------- ans 3) none 4) ??
**we bring a file from NTFS to fat. What will change
ans) security
**in file inode what is not there
1) name -- ans 2) size 3) owner 4) mode
**standard port of telnet ans) 23
**which is not a communication program 1) flash -- ans 2) browser 3) ftp
**windows 95 is 1) event driven -- ans 2) message driven 3) multi user
** windows nt has which scheduling 1) multitasking non preemptive 2) multitasking preemptive - ans (perhaps) 3) single tasking
**which of the following is true for Domain name max length is 25 should have .com unique should be registered to interNIC -- ans

**which file saves registry 1) regedit 2) user.ini and system.dat 3) user.dat and system.dat ---- ans
**what is logical view of database
**what is native file system of windows NT ans) ntfs
**find 2's complement of -3510
**a question of full adder
** a = 65 b=32 find a^b (XOR)
**what is referential integrity
**how many process are formed by 6 fork in a program ans) 26
**windows programming question. What message will quit the loop ans) WM_QUIT
**a set of procedures to communicate ans) protocol
**convert digital to analog and vice versa. Ans) modem
** what JEQ command in assembly
**what is invalid for <> tag n html 1) left 2) center 3) right 4) top
**order of events on unloading a form I think ans was query unload, unload, terminate
**to convert an exp from infix to postfix the expression had exponentiation(^) so check its precedence
**to find the preorder traversal of a tree
**which has file security ans) NTFS
** in HSI(hue saturation intensity) what is h 1) white light component 2) intensity 3) brightness 4) ...
**which is hardware device 1) repeater 2) bridge 3) router 4) gateway
**in which locking scheme no one else can access ur data ans) exclusive
** a question on java . delete an object without creating it using new
**default access specifier in a class ans) private
**int a=018; int b=026; int c=034;
int d=057; system.out.println(a b c d);
ans) I think octal output **ripple counter. Given an output. Find four stage prev output
**which does not have a fat 1) linux 2) nt 3) windows 2000 4) windows 98 I am not sure about this ques. If it was fat32 then ans should be NT. If it was only FAT then ans should be linux
**what is true about tree 1) only 1:1 relationship 2) only 1:many 3) atleast one 1:many 4) atlest one many:many
** what is virtual memory size in windows 9x. 2 GB 4 GB --- ans
** 2 questions from exploring C . very good ques. Pg : 278 Q27 Pg : 342 Q 12

NEWGEN PAPER 1999-2000>2.>3. spooling is a technique for> a. improving utilisation of CPU and i/o devices> b. improving -do- of disk> c. -do- of tape> d. -do- of printer>>2. A dynamic link library> a. can be loaded explicitly> b. is loaded when the application linking to it is being loaded> c. both of the above> d. none
>3. Which of the following CPU scheduling algorithm is optimum and > required to thoroughly of a system> a. First come first serve> b. shortest job first> c. round robin> d. none
>4.synchronisation is a process by which> a. It is ensured that only one processes or accesses of a resource at > atime> b. ************* accesses to a resources is prohibited> c. two computers communicate on internet > d. none
>5. a system can be prevented from entering into dead lock by> a. Allowing a process to start executing only after itb has requested > and acquired all the resources> b. Allow a peocess to hold only one resources> c. Numbering all the resources and making processes required them in > strictly increasing no.> d. any
>6. Which of the following short method will have the poorest > performance in already sorted list> a. radix sort> b. quick sort> c. insertion> d. shell
>8. An image processing system takes as input> a. a real image> b. a graphics model> c. mathematics model -ANS> d. synthetic model
>NOTE: look out for answer for yourself>>9. baud rate is measured in> a. no. of bits per second> b. bytes/sec.> c. KB/sec> d. MB/sec -ANS
>10. which is not true for a friend function> a. a function may be declared a friend of more than one class> b. it does not have a class scope> c. it can be declared any where without affecting its meaning> d. it requires an object that declares it friend for invoking it
>11. The normal form that solves the problem of repitition of a constant is > called multivalued dependent> a. 3NF> b. BCNF> c. 4NF> d. 5NF>>12. Two disk file in which window NT 95,98 registery stored> a. system.DAT and user.DAT> b. sustem.DAT and win.DAT> c. system.INI & user.INI> d. system.INI & win.INI>>>13. In 32 bit win.ENV two process using same DLL> a. DLL loaded once , mapped to virtual address space of first process> NOTE: more options are not available>>14. )now we are giving the answer and question in a single line
>15. )protected memory is used by ? all WIN. 95 , 97. 98
>16. )what is uni code? IS the standared for encoding of wide character
>17. )A dynamic link library? Is loaded when application linking to it is > being loaded
>18. )A Terrminal sends request for information to mainframe computer > system which in turn reteives the info. And displayss it on terminal. This > type of computing is? CLIENT\SERVER
>19. )smartdriv.EXE is virtualdrive
>20. )NATIVE FILE system is of WIN 95 is?FAT
>21. )What is the memory managment model used by DOS? SEGMENTED
>22. )mode used for achieving inter process comm. ?> a) stacks b) messaging queues c)shared memory d)disk file
>23. )Typical data transfer rate s in LAN of the order of a) bits/sec b) Kbits/sec c) Mbits /sec d) none
>24. )which statement is true for the context of process a)all the incodes being used for process b) the Users allocated for the process c) process defined by global users variables and data
>25. )What will be the output of the following code?> Int a=0, b=0;> if(!a)> {> b=!a;> if(b)> a=!b;> }> printf(?%d%d\n?,a,b);> ANS= 01>>26 )MAIN memory of windows?? 4GB
>26 )Conventional memory of dos??640KB
>28 )If there is any question on c++ Ans is ?C?,THERE IS COMPILATION ERROR>>29 )Int I=10s> I=I++ + ++ I;> printf(?%d??I);> ANS= 23>30 )Premption is not allowed in ?? printer&tape
>31 ) prepaging is a mechanism used to resolve?? Thrashing
>32)unit of virtual memory ?? pages
>33 )Djastra bankers algoarathim used for ?? deadlock recovery
>34 )Foreign key is ?? composite key
>35 External fragmentation doesnot occurs in ?? SEGMENTED>> in section B TOTAL QUESTION 10 --- MAX MARKS 20>>QUESTOIN 3 answer is O/P IS 111213


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