Creativo - the topper's choice ( Placement papers of all companies are here )

Monday, May 01, 2006


1. 1 TB=1024GB>2. Window NT , NT ?>3. HTTP full form>4. Windows Uses = ?> a) Intel> b) Microsoft> c) Dos> d) Macintosh>5. Operating System Runs in --- and system utilitis run in> a)user and monitor modes> b)monitor mode and user modes>6. For internet , what is required> a) an ISP provider> b) an Internet Connection> c) A Browser> d) All of the above.>7. What is Internet>8. How can u see the web pages>9. Largest capacity of the mobile storage ( CD ROM)>10. Floppy capacity ?>11. "www" stands for ?>12. which is a Netwoking os> a) microsoft win 98> b) Microsoft win 2000>13. Which is not a language ( Findler or J)>>>>Analytical Problems :>=====================>1. A dice is thrown twice ..what is the probability of geting a> number twice ...(1/6)>2. 1,2,3,4,5 without repeating , make a no. divisible by 4 >,probability>(1/5)>3. A girl walks x distance first day , second day she walks 1 km >more ..> total dist =65 km .time taken 18 hrs ( Ans --3 miles/h)>4. One puzzle about ages (Ans 9,2,2)>5. Some Histogram Questions>6. Some Pie charts Questions>>>C test :>========>1.char *str="quark" "media"> printf("%s",str); ( ans quark media )>2.char *str;> str="hello" "india"> printf("%s",str); ( ans hello india )>3.i=0;> z=sizeof(++i + i++)> printf("%d %d",z,i);>4.volatile keyword>5.macro XY ##> int main()>{> char *s;> x=XY10;> printf("%s",x);>}>6. int y=10;> for (int x=0;x<=10;x++);> y+=x;> printf("%d",y);>7.Differece between malloc ad calloc.> a)> {> static int b;> }> what is the storage allocation for both a and b;> *fun(int a)> {> return (&a);> }> int *fun(int a)> {> int *b;> b=&a;> return(b);> }> int *fun(int a )> {> int *b;> b=malloc(sizeof(int));> b=&a;> return (b);> }>which of the following functions are not correct ;>10. int fun(int a,int y)> {> int x;> x=a+y;> return (x);> }> int main()> {> int x,y=1,z=0,c;> z=fun(y,c);> printf(" %d ",x);> }>11. int *x[10]()> what is x?>12. printf("%d",++i++); o/p ?>13. a=2;> printf("%d %d %d",++a,a++);>14.struct abc>{> char a[10];> int a,b;>};>main(){>struct abc ab={"main"};> printf("%d %d",ab.a,ab.c);

computer awareness :>====================>>1. 1 TB=1024GB>2. Window NT , NT ?>3. HTTP full form>4. Windows Uses = ?> a) Intel> b) Microsoft> c) Dos> d) Macintosh>5. Operating System Runs in --- and system utilitis run in> a)user and monitor modes> b)monitor mode and user modes>6. For internet , what is required> a) an ISP provider> b) an Internet Connection> c) A Browser> d) All of the above.>7. What is Internet>8. How can u see the web pages>9. Largest capacity of the mobile storage ( CD ROM)>10. Floppy capacity ?>11. "www" stands for ?>12. which is a Netwoking os> a) microsoft win 98> b) Microsoft win 2000>13. Which is not a language ( Findler or J)>>>>Analytical Problems :>=====================>1. A dice is thrown twice ..what is the probability of geting a> number twice ...(1/6)>2. 1,2,3,4,5 without repeating , make a no. divisible by 4 >,probability>(1/5)>3. A girl walks x distance first day , second day she walks 1 km >more ..> total dist =65 km .time taken 18 hrs ( Ans --3 miles/h)>4. One puzzle about ages (Ans 9,2,2)>5. Some Histogram Questions>6. Some Pie charts Questions>>>C test :>========>1.char *str="quark" "media"> printf("%s",str); ( ans quark media )>2.char *str;> str="hello" "india"> printf("%s",str); ( ans hello india )>3.i=0;> z=sizeof(++i + i++)> printf("%d %d",z,i);>4.volatile keyword>5.macro XY ##> int main()>{> char *s;> x=XY10;> printf("%s",x);>}>6. int y=10;> for (int x=0;x<=10;x++);> y+=x;> printf("%d",y);>7.Differece between malloc ad calloc.> a)> {> static int b;> }> what is the storage allocation for both a and b;> *fun(int a)> {> return (&a);> }> int *fun(int a)> {> int *b;> b=&a;> return(b);> }> int *fun(int a )> {> int *b;> b=malloc(sizeof(int));> b=&a;> return (b);> }>which of the following functions are not correct ;>10. int fun(int a,int y)> {> int x;> x=a+y;> return (x);> }> int main()> {> int x,y=1,z=0,c;> z=fun(y,c);> printf(" %d ",x);> }>11. int *x[10]()> what is x?>12. printf("%d",++i++); o/p ?>13. a=2;> printf("%d %d %d",++a,a++);>14.struct abc>{> char a[10];> int a,b;>};>main(){>struct abc ab={"main"};> printf("%d %d",ab.a,ab.c);


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