Creativo - the topper's choice ( Placement papers of all companies are here )

Sunday, April 30, 2006


c ques:
1.a=5,b=3,c=a,b d=(a,b)printf(c,d)ans:c=5,d=3
2.e(int n) { if(n>0) { ...(not clear) printf("%d",n); e(--n); } return }ans:0,1,2,0
3.which has no problem with pointers
int *f1(){int n;return (n)}
int *f2(){int *p;*p=3;return p;}
int *f3(){int *p;p=malloc();return p;}
ans:no error
4.header file ->contains declarations.
5.sizeof operator is executed during compile time..
6.*p+=1 *p++ are these two same?not same.
7.func(int i) { static int count; count=count+i; }ans:1+2+3...(counts values does not go after funtion call'a'<'b') true
10.short int=16 bits
11.4 stmt. float i; num[3];num[3]=2;
ans:first stmt deals with size second deals with element
13.j=4for(int i=0;i<5;i++){j++;++j;}output of j.ans:14
9.char s1[20]="hello world";s1[5]="\0";printf("%d",strlen(s1));printf("%%.%...(not clear)",s1);}ans:bad format specifier
14.brace { used in c for what ans:convention
15.parameters in c passed by ans:value.
16.when an array is passed it is by ans:pointer.
17.scanf can read ans:any data type
18.which cant be passed to subroutine.ans:preprocessor directive. get string of words..ans:gets()
20.external variables can be accesed ans:in functions which use them.
analytical:>satc dear->seard sing->sings
3.1999 july 21st WEDNESDAY 52= /4 13,39 === 26+39 =65/7=2 1947 july 21st MONDAY ans:two days before.
2.Maths: This part was easy but somewhat tricky. 2.1 A figure with 8 poles was given. Each pole was separated by a distance of 8m. It was given that a man runs to each pole and back. Asked to find the total distance to reach the last pole? (Ans: 288) 2.2 Are there more Sundays in a millenium or inches in a kilometre. (Ans: inches) 2.3 A gambler has the "easy go easy way" policy. He doubles his money the first time and gives away $1. He trebles his money the next time and gives away $2. Finally he is left with 4 times the amount he started with. How much money he had when he started?(Ans: $2.5 check) 2.4 Are there more centimetres in a kilometre or seconds in a day? ( Ans: centimetres) 2.5 A person purchases goods at three(3) shops successively. Each time he spends 2/3 of the amount he has. If he is left with 50 paise after the last purchase, how much money he had in the beginning? (Ans: Rs 13.5/-) 2.6 & 2.7 Two questions on age. (very easy). 2.8 My double exceeds my half by 2. What am i? (Ans 4/3) 2.9 N packets are transmitted through a network. The probability of a packet being error prone is P. What is the probability that all packets are transmitted error free? (Ans (1-P)^N check)2.10 Y-X^2=25 is a function. What is the y intercept? (Ans 25)2.11 A machine has N parts. The probabilty that any part fails is P. The machine fails of any of the part fails. Fine the probabilty that none of the part fails?(Ans 1-P^N).2.12 Mexico is 13 hours behind Singapore in time. Singapore itself is 7 hours ahead of London in time. If it is 10 minutes past 4 on Tuesday morning in London what is the time and day in Mexico?2.13 If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half, how much will half a dozen hens lay in half a dozen days?2.14 A person deals playing cards among people. On the first chance he deals among 4 people and 3 cards are left. Next he deals amongs 2 and 3 cards are left. (Don't remember this one exactly..)2.15
3. C test: 3.1 A question on strings and pointers. 3.2 Which function in C allocates memory and initializes it to zero? 3.3 The compiler equates x[i][j][k] to: *(*(*(x+i)+j)+k) : no such option was given, i think this is the correct answer. 3.4 During which phase are _STDC_ and _FILE_ defined. Options: compiling,preprocessing,coding, assembling,linking. 3.5 What is the function clock() in C used for? 3.5 A question on macros Options: A macro can contain parameters, macro definition can contain expressions, macros are processed during the preprocessor stage, macros are processed at run-time. 3.6 What is the value of 64>>3? 3.7 Value of 0xE & ~0x9? 3.8 Value of 0xB & 0x5? 3.9 How do you redirect the output to a particular file?3.10 Is there any inbuilt sorting function in C for sorting character arrays?3.11 fp=fopen(file.c,"r"); What is the correct declaration for fp?( ans: FILE *fp) 3.12 What will be the output: int x=0; for(;;x++){ if(x==4) break; continue; } printf("%d\n",x);3.13 What is the output: int i=100; do {--i;}while(i>50); printf("%d\n",i);3.14 & 3.15 A question on calloc()(which one would give a runtime error) and another one on pointers although the code looks correct whats the problem with the logic).3.16 A qustion on converting a string defined using a character pointer to lower-case char s[100]; (Don't remember the question char *ptr; ptr=s; *ptr="Hello World"3.17 Assume 2's complement arithmetic int m=-14; int n=6; int o=m%++n; n+=m++%o printf("%d%d%d",m,n,o);
3.18 The type returned by sizeof is: Options: size_t,int,unsigned int
3.19 int a=1000,b=1000; Which is the shortest statement for preventing the integer overflow exception Options: long c=long(a)*long(b), long c=a*b, long c=long(a*b),c=(long)a*b3.20 A short int=16 bits. What is the maximum value which can be displayed using it.3.21 struct typedef cust_record{ char name; }CUSTOMER_REC; CUSTOMER_REC customer[50]; How will you access the structure variable name. (ans:customer[i]->name check) 3.22 A question on how to flush a buffer (Don't remember exactly: fflush()).3.23 How will you read a character from the standard input. (Ans: c=getchar(); check)


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