Creativo - the topper's choice ( Placement papers of all companies are here )

Sunday, April 30, 2006


section 1: Mathematical Ability & Aptitude---------30 markssection 2: Verbal and Comprehension-----------------25 markssection 3: Computer Basics & Logical reasoning---20 marks
SECTION 1: Mathematical Ability & Aptitude-----30 marks
Questions on * Number systems like-- How many numbers between 100 and 200 are odd, divisible by 3, but not by 7? Also on lcm, hcf, etc.
*Time &work*Time&Distance*Races*Probablity*Areas and volumes, length of chord etc.
SECTION 2: Verbal and Comprehension-----------------25 marks
Analogies---5---5 marksAntonyms---5---5 marksReading Comprehension----2 passages (big but easily understandable)--- 2*5=10 marksArrange the sentences--------5 questions, 5 marks, each question is as P: Alas! she had only 30 rupees with her. Q: Bindu got late for the exam and she started in a hurry. R: She called an auto and he demanded 50 rupees.. S: She blamed her hurry, as in hurry, she forgot to bring more money. T: She went to the busstop and there were no buses.
The following is the exact order of sentences:a) PRSTQ b) QTRPS c) RSQPT d)QPRTS e)none of theseAnswer :b
SECTION 3: Computer Basics & Logical reasoning---20 marks
Computer Basics----very very easy------10 marksLogical Reasoning------ 10 arks, 10 questions, each question is like P: All girls are Bindus. Q: Some Bindus are boys. R: All Bindus are boys. S: Some boys are not girls. T:All girls are boys. U:All boys are girls.
The following sentences are logically related:a) UTQ b) PQS c) TSP d) RPS e) QSPAnswer : b
There will be 4, 5 sets of question papers. So, each one will get a different question paper.

1) first personal2) asked about cobol,basic fundamentals3) about project (i have done vb,oracle) so that there were questions about sql,queries4) 2 questions on arithmatic like(2 trains starting in opposite direction one bird flying and so on...)5) 2 questions on management life if u are head of a school and there are no profits for ur school, then what will u do?6) last about family background ?

1) c concepts,programs asked to write2) c++(virtual functions,static ,polymorphism) 3) cobol divisions4) project questions(asp)5) data base questions6) some personal details and 3 puzzles like largest number with 6 numbers etc.7) about my ur self.

1) project2) dead lock and prevention,detection methods3) page faults with example4) OSI reference model5) swaping with out using 3rd variable6) inorder, preorder, postorder(data structures traversals with example)7) some sql queries containing having, orderby, groupby and subqueries8) multi level threads, multi tasking difference9) query for count the employees departmentwise10) database types11) diff. b/w dbms and rdbms12) tcp/ip networking model13) diff. b/w ring topology and bus topology14) hr question : if u r officer incharge of hitech city like a plane crashes into wto towers a plane crashes into the hitech city then what r the measures taken by you to save the people inside the building ?15) diff b/w physical memory and logical memory ? 16) query for converting one to many relation in to a one to one relation ? for this he was given his own table !17) binary search algorithm ?

1) about my self2) about project3) computer networks- in which layer router is used 4) stack program5) types of a database - explain them main stress on relational database.6) what is compaction.7) operating system.

1) normalization2) data abstraction3) use of trees4) types of data base systems5) finding an element in hierarchical database6) sql queries7) operator overloading, overloading ---> difference8) polymorphism implementation9) tcp / ip10) osi/iso layers11) differences in tcp and iso12) functions of layers in tcp,iso13) relation between primary key,foreign key

1) questions on my project2) what is ur favourite subject i answered 'neutral networks'3) what is ur favourite programming lang. my answer is 'c'4) they asked me to write a program for bubble sort ?5) wap to print pyramid of stars?6) program to check whether the given no is armstrong number or not?7) they asked one question on o.s.concepts ?8) a puzzle "there are three bulbs in a room and there r three switches outside the room........" ?9) another puzzle "there r 2 stations a and b of distance of 200km and two trains start from each station oppositely...."10) do u have any doubts ?

1) referential integrity constraint2) different sql statements(dml,ddl,dcl) ?3) diff. b/w commit and rollback(save point) ? explain with example?4) primary key, foreign key ?5) write a query to get maximum salary from each dept with all details?6) paging ?7) segmentation ?8) what is OS ?9) cpu scheduling algorithms all explain ?10) network layers ?11) do we require all layers? ans : no (don't require presentation and session layer)12)a) diff. b/w javascript and vbscript ? ans : java script for client side and vbscript for server side b) can i use java script for server side scripting ? ans : yes13) hashing in datastructers14) in cobol do u know cobol ?(ans is no,not comfortable)15) what happens if u have tables with many to many relationships ? ans: redundancy ,anamolies etc will occur

1) acadamic and family background ?2) favourite subjects in MCA curriculam ? i have selected SE,CPP,OS3) what is SDLC and explain phases ?4) what is requirement analysis and how it is?5) what are different types of testing techniques ?6) what is OS ?7) what are the functions of OS ?8) how cpu time is scheduled and what are the algorithm9) explain round robin algorithm ?10) what is deadlock situation ?11) how we can prevent deadlocks12) how a program can be run ?13) draw computer block diagram ?14) write a program to print as follows * * * * * * * * * *15) program to sort the array (any sorting technique ur wish)16) what is .obj file and when it will be generated?17) how .exe file will come into existance ?18) they the subject what i have in curriculum and asked randomly ?19) what is osi reference model ?20) explain layers in osi21) where the error will be caught while transmitting ?22) diff. b/w queues and stacks ?23) how linked list different from stacks and queues?24) how many sorting techniques are there25) what is a register,how it will be useful ?

1) tell me about ur self2) what is ur opinion about hyderabad and which places u like ?3) normalization ?4) diff. b/w primary key and unique key ans: unique key accepts null value primary key dont accept any null value5) whether one null value is equal to another null value ?6) types of dbms ?7) constraints and their types ?8) query to retrive the ename start with A ?9) 200km dist,both trains started at speed 100km oppositely and one bird is starting with one train at 120 km then what is the distance travelled by bird if both the trains collide ? (ans: 120 km)10) if u litting a thread it will take one hour for complete buring of thread what do u do if i want to burn it in halfen hour ?11) three bulbs, three switches how to identify which switch is for which bulb? 012) how to prove A =1(a power zero is equal to one)

1) operating system - system calls,disk scheduling algorithms2) RDBMS - embedded sql,4-5 queries3) normalization4) write 2nd normalization form of a table5) s/w engg : reverse engg6) how you used s/e engg in ur project7) c: dynamic memory alloaction8) project details

1) tell me about ur self2) how will u store the data in oracle from vb form and how will u retrive data from oracle to vb ?3) what is referential integrity ?4) diff between primary key and unique ?5) what is foreign key ?6) display the employs those who r getting salary greater than average of all employees ?7) count the no of employees for question 6 ?8) display all the details of deptname and deptcode whose no of employees in a particular department is < 2 ?9) types of databases10) display each deptname and no of employees exist in that particular dept11) SDLC phases,what is the output of analysis ?12) types of testing,regression testing,integration testing ?13) what do u do in analysis phase ?14) how much % u got in ur mca ?15) why do u fail in dcf 1st sem of mca ?16) c program for sum of digits of a number ?17) c program for swaping numbers without using third variable ?18) 200km dist,both trains started at speed 100km oppositely and one bird is starting with one train at 120 km then what is the distance travelled by bird if both the trains collide ? (ans: 120 km)19) if u litting a thread it will take one hour for complete buring of thread what do u do if i want to burn it in halfen hour ?20) what do u call in oracle %,_ (wild characters)

1) tell me about ur project ?2) dbms normalization,queries,referential integrity,constraints ?3) what is paging,virtual memory ?4) program to insert a node into linked list ?5) about trees and their uses ?6) microprocessors : 8085 (explain instrctutions)

ds1.what is meant by tree 2.draw a binary treewrite postorder,preorder,inorder for that tree3.complexties of sortings4.write aprogram for stack5.applications of stacks,tree6.something on linked listos1.jobscheduling 2.paging3.os services4.system calls5.file mant primary keys can exist for a table2.define constraints one by onesql(nearly ten+ queries ) 2nd highest salary4.groupby,having,orderby rules with examplescn1.osi model2.function of each layer3.protocol means tell some protocol4.ethernetc1.write a program for prime number checking2.write a program for quicksort3.explain quick sort with a example4.break,continue

tell about ur self2)about project, favorite subs in mca3)diff b/w array,stack and queue4)normalisation5)cobol divisions6)what did u learn in mobile computing,sys adm,s/w reuse tech7)cobol format8)s/w eng phases9)write prog on factorial 10)more questions on cobol11)page fault12)testing and types of testing13)primary key,foreign key

1. what is ur project ?2. which algorithms used and why ? why don't choose other algorithms ?3. some basic questions on my projectmicroprocessors4. do you know assembly lang(8085)? [i am btech ece]5. tell me basic structure of that lang ?6. can you explain JNC,JZ commands ?7. what do u know mean cisc and risc and what is the diff b/w them ?8. do you know the functions of risc ?digital electronics9. what do you mean by switching ?10. can you write the truth table of NAND and NOR gates ?11. can you tell about logic families ?

1. introduction to c2. pointers in c 3. swap two numbers without using temparory variable4. what is object based lang ?5. what is object oriented lang ?6. what is normalization(1nf,2nf,3nf) ?7. DataBase models8. prove a power zero is equal to one ?9. integrity constraints10. what is diff. b/w inline functions and macros ?


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